
Treatment Centers by City

  • Intracare North Hospital
  • Intracare North Hospital
    is located at 1120 Cypress Station Drive Houston, TX. 77090 and can be contacted by calling 281-893-7200. Intracare North Hospital offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Inpatient Hospital Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Spanish Speaking
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

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  • Individuals that weigh exactly the same, but have different body shapes can differ in their blood alcohol content, even if they have drunk exactly the same amount of alcohol.
  • Alcohol binge drinking is more common among men than women.
  • Nonstudent, nonmilitary personnel may not have access to health services, making them vulnerable conditions such as depression and anxiety, often associated with dangerous alcohol consumption patterns.
  • In a study of normal healthy men who received alcohol for 4 weeks, testosterone levels declined after only 5 days and continued to fall throughout the study period. Prolonged testosterone deficiency may cause a "femininization" of male sexual characteristics, for example breast enlargement.

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