
Treatment Centers by City

  • Oceans Behavioral Hospital
  • Oceans Behavioral Hospital
    is located at 455 Park Grove Drive Katy, TX. 77450 and can be contacted by calling 281-492-8888. Oceans Behavioral Hospital offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Inpatient Hospital Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Over 50, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • One of the beer commercial's favorite celebrities was Billy Martin, former manager of the New York Yankees; what was not shown was how his life was cut short by a Detroit couple headed home after binge drinking at a local bar. As they were driving home, their truck slammed into a vehicle carrying Billy Martin. Billy's head went through the windshield, his neck was fractured and he was pronounced dead 23 minutes later.
  • Tolerance means you may not feel the same effects of alcohol as you continue to use, but your blood alcohol concentration level may remain high.
  • A recent study has found a link between low to moderate alcohol consumption and a decrease in the brain size of middle-aged adults. Brain atrophy is associated with impaired cognition and motor functions.
  • Consuming 10 alcoholic beverages during the past week significantly increases the risk of stroke.

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